Halftime Adjustments are changes we must make within ourselves in order to get the most out of the second half of the year. Seek God, for He is the one who will inform us of what He wants us to focus on in order to bring about His will.

What should I do?

Spend 15-30 minutes each day in devotions, ie worship, scripture reading and prayer. Use this time to connect and hear from God. Trust Him to share and help us reflect on what's going well; what's going wrong and what needs to be done moving forward.

What are the benefits?

  • A renewed consecration and devotion to God
  • A better understanding of what is needed to have greater success this year and the confidence to move forward.

Be sure to follow the Halftime Adjustment Guide, click here to download.

Stay engaged by visiting this page for content and resources being released weekly starting July 5
During the Halftime Adjustment series, beginning July 5
  1. Select a key scripture that speaks to you
  2. Memorize it and put it into practice for the remainder of the year. This is your primary halftime adjustment.
  3. Post a video of you speaking your key scripture and tag ICOG's social media on your post.

What Scripture speaks to you?

During the Halftime Adjustment series:
  1. Select a key scripture that speaks to you
  2. Memorize it and put it into practice for the remainder of the year. This is your primary halftime adjustment.
  3. Post a video of you speaking your key scripture, tag ICOG's social media on your post. Be sure to add the hashtag #ICOGHALFTIME.